Homerun Clash 2: Legends Derby
Homerun Clash 2: Legends Derby
Game Inquiry
Game Inquiry
First Time Playing Homerun Clash: Legends Derby?
What is PLAY BALL?
What is Gold?
What are Gems?
What is a Homerun Ball?
What is a Pack?
What is a Trophy?
See all 13 articles
How do I hit a home run?
Controlling the Ball's Direction (Left/Right)
Controlling the Ball's Direction (Up/Down)
What is a Symbol?
What is a Pole?
What is a Scoreboard?
See all 17 articles
1vs1 MATCH
What is a 1vs1 MATCH?
How is a 1vs1 MATCH played?
How is the score settled?
I was quicker when hitting yet only the opponent's score changed.
2vs2 MATCH
What is a 2vs2 MATCH?
How is a 2vs2 MATCH played?
How is CHALLENGE MODE played?
Is there a ranking system in CHALLENGE MODE as well?
How does one match with their opponent?
It is taking a long time to match for me.
What is Recent Record?
What is Top Record?
My League
What is My League?
Promotion and Demotion
Grade Reward
How do I view My League?
How are rankings in My League settled?
I did not receive the appropriate reward based on my league ranking!
What is a Promotion?
What are the advantages of being promoted?
What is a Club?
What are the benefits of joining a Club?
How do I join or create a Club?
How do I invite others to a Club?
How do I change Club Settings?
I can't join a Club.
See all 14 articles
World Star Collection
What is the World Star Collection?
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